viernes, 22 de marzo de 2024

Working With Vocabulary

 5. Match A to B to from phrases. Then listen and repeat.

1. Tied up

2. Hold a meeting

3. Give a presentation.

4. Make place.

5. Check your calendar.

6. Take arrangament.

6. Listen and repeat the words in colour. Then choose the correct response.

1. a

2.  b

3. a

4. a

5. a

6. b

7. b

8. b

7. Listen a repeat the words in colour. Then copy and complete the sentences.

1. Video Conference

2. Sharp 

3. Light Refreshmetns

4. Equipment

5. Pack

6. Break

8. Copy and complete the sentence. Use the words in bold to help you.

1. Time


3. Later

4. Coffee, tea and chips

5. Free

6. Stop 

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Vocabulary Unit 10

  VOCABULARY BUILDER E-MAILING Attachment:  adjunt Blind carbon copy:  còpia oculta Carbon copy:  duplicat E-mail client:  client de correu ...